About Us
Bringing positive social impact through accredited laboratory facilities
GSI Lab is the pioneer of social entrepreneurship initiative of solidarity action to support the government deliver good quality of genomic testing for better Indonesia.
To improve health and welfare of the society by providing rapid, high quality, high output genomics and molecular assay services linked with epidemiological data and digital information systems.
To bring inspiration and innovation in genomics to address the most pressing challenges at the national and global level for better equity and thriving societies
Our Facilities
Best Options for Your Needs
Our Drive/Walk thru locations are available in 5 locations: Cilandak, Kuningan, Cengkareng, Bintaro & Depok. Safe & contacless service for your testing needs.
Want to test the entire family or office? If you can’t travel to our location for one reason or another, we will send one of our professionals to you!
Registered as a network laboratory for COVID-19 examination and affiliated with the NAR system of the Ministry of Health & PeduliLindungi.
Equipped with a flexible registration system and QR code for reliable results.
Swab Antigen
Fast & inexpensive option for COVID-19 screening with nasopharyngeal swab sampling. Results will be completed in 30 minutes.
PCR Swab Same Day
Sempurna bagi anda yang membutuhkan pengujian paling akurat dengan maksimal hasil diterima dihari kerja yang sama pukul 23.59. PCR dapat mendeteksi materi genetik SARS-CoV-2 dan dilengkapi dengan nilai CT, dengan pengambilan sampel di hidung & mulut.
PCR Swab 24 Hours
Cocok untuk anda yang sibuk dan baru menyempatkan waktu di sore hari untuk melakukan tes dengan rata-rata hasil tes akan diterima paling lambat 1x24 jam di hari Senin/hari kerja berikutnya.
S-RBD Quantitative Anti Body
Measure your immunity to COVID-19 to find out how immune you are to COVID-19. Your blood will be taken and examined in our laboratory.
PCR Gargle
#NoColokColokClub untuk kenyamanan anda dan anak anda hanya dengan berkumur. Dengan sensitivitas 93% tentunya bisa menjadi pilihan anda untuk mendeteksi COVID-19. PCR Kumur sudah berlaku untuk kebutuhan penerbangan.
Fast and Accurate Testing Process.
Book anytime & anywhere with only 5 minutes test in our testing center facility without touch. With advanced technology the results can be completed in 8-12 hours.
Flexible Test Location
We are here closer to serve you with 5 Locations of the GSI Lab Testing Center. In addition, we are able to come wherever you are.
Free Swab Test For Indonesia
We have distributed more than 5000 free test swabs to frontliners & underprivileged communities to accelerate the handling of COVID-19 in Indonesia.
Our Expertise
Trusted by many institutions & hundreds of thousands of people. All tests are handled by professionals.
GSI Lab results are also linked to data from the Ministry of Health. You can use our test results for purposes that require PCR/swab test result document.
Our Team
dr. Nino Susanto, B.Eng., M.M.
drg. Adittya Kardiat, MARS
Business Director
dr. Meutia Ayuputeri, MRes, IBCLC, CIMI
Medical Doctor
Lidwina Dirgantara Mulyono Putri
Head of Human Capital
dr. Ariel Pradipta, M.Res, Ph.D
Senior Research Fellow
Andi Jayakusumah SE,Ak MM
Head of Finance
Dhahlia Agustina
Lab Technician
Harryyanto Ishaq Agasi
Biomedical and Data Engineer
Kezia Morla
Social Initiative Lead
Rakrya Galih
Result Analyst
dr. Nino Susanto, B.Eng., M.M.
drg. Adittya Kardiat, MARS
Business Director
dr. Meutia Ayuputeri, MRes, IBCLC, CIMI
Medical Doctor
Lidwina Dirgantara Mulyono Putri
Head of Human Capital
dr. Ariel Pradipta, M.Res, Ph.D
Senior Research Fellow
Andi Jayakusumah SE,Ak MM
Head of Finance
Dhahlia Agustina
Lab Technician
Harryyanto Ishaq Agasi
Biomedical and Data Engineer
Kezia Morla
Social Initiative Lead
Rakrya Galih
Result Analyst
dr. Nino Susanto, B.Eng., M.M.
President of Sales
dr. Nino Susanto, B.Eng., M.M.
President of Sales
dr. Nino Susanto, B.Eng., M.M.
President of Sales
dr. Nino Susanto, B.Eng., M.M.
President of Sales
Corporate Client
Total Executed
Free PCR Channeling
Total Donation